Our Work

Select Case Studies of Our Impact

World Health Organization Hub for Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence | Emergency Preparedness and Response Guidance for National Public Health Agencies

In conjunction with Ata Health Strategies, Strategy 4ward is co-developing core emergency preparedness and response capabilities for national public health agencies (NPHAs) for the World Health Organization’s Hub for Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence in Berlin, Germany. Strategy 4ward is developing evidence through a systematic desk and literature review analysis that aims to identify the  most essential capabilities NPHAs can develop to prevent, detect, and respond to all-hazards disasters, including outbreaks of diseases with epidemic potential. Strategy 4ward led a day-long presentation and consultation with over 60 global public health leaders attending the annual meeting of the International Association of National Public Health Institutes (IANPHI) in Kigali, Rwanda.

Administration for Children and Families’ Office of Human Services Emergency Preparedness and Response | Disaster Human Services

As a partner to Deloitte Consulting LLP, Strategy 4ward Consulting is supporting the development of disaster human services guidance for U.S. states, tribes, and territories. This guidance aims to build the capacity of multisectoral partners to prepare for and respond to large disasters that affect the livelihoods of their communities. Tasks include foundational research – desk review, systematic literature review, and structured consultations and interviews with national, state, and local leaders and human services providers. Strategy 4ward is leading analysis of qualitative data and formation of a disaster human services framework to be developed through an inclusive, consultative national process.

Global Field Epidemiology Partnership | Strategy and Resource Mobilization Support

In 2023, Strategy 4ward provided mission strategy and resource mobilization support to the nascent Global Field Epidemiology Partnership (GFEP). GFEP is a high-impact multilateral collaboration that aims to strengthen the global public health workforce and enhance global health security. GFEP is co-chaired by the World Health Organization’s Division of Health Emergency Intelligence and Surveillance Systems and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S. CDC). Strategy 4ward partnered with Ata Health Strategies to lead consultations and workshops with GFEP’s strategic advisory working group and conduct interviews with target partner organizations. The work resulted in GFEP’s first strategic value proposition and an accompanying roadmap to guide resource mobilization for the consortium. The work culminated in a facilitated presentation and working session in Berlin with GFEP’s core membership.

Joint UN Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) Global Prevention Coalition | Global measurement strategies for HIV prevention​

Strategy 4ward is supporting UNAIDS to refresh the global strategy for measuring combination HIV prevention in alignment with the Global AIDS Strategy 2021-2026. Strategy 4ward is leading consultations with subject matter experts to draft concept notes that define measurement strategies and indicators. Our consultants are facilitating high-level think tank sessions with 60+ HIV prevention and strategic information leaders from around the globe. The outputs of the think tank series will inform program strategies and monitoring and evaluation frameworks used by global programs (e.g., The Global Fund) and country.

U.S. Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response (ASPR) | Strategy and evaluation for health care preparedness and response

Strategy 4ward’s Managing Principal, Jonathan Pearson, has been supporting ASPR since 2015 and has advised senior leaders from across the agency, including the Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP), the Office of Strategy, Policy, Planning, and Requirements (SPPR), the Division of Exercise, Evaluation, and After Action (E2A2), and the Division of Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP). Strategy 4ward supported the development of the Medical Surge and Response Exercise (MRSE), a valuable tool used by Health Care Coalitions and their members to exercise a community-wide, medical surge incident.

Strategy 4ward also supported ASPR’s COVID-19 response efforts, including analytics and evaluation services for the ASPR/Project Echo COVID-19 Clinical Rounds. Our work is being highlighted in a scientific manuscript to published in the Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness Journal where our consultants are amongst the co-authors. Currently, Strategy 4ward is serving on the core team refreshing the Health Care Preparedness and Response Capabilities to reflect updates and lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Administration for Children and Families’ Office of Human Services Emergency Preparedness and Response (ACF/OHSEPR) | Strategy and program design services for the U.S. Repatriation Program

Strategy 4ward is supporting a range of strategy, program design, and evaluation functions in conjunction with senior leaders from OHSEPR. Strategy 4ward is leading the development of capability guideline to be used by U.S. states for emergency mass repatriation of Americans. The guidelines will be used by state agencies and their public and private partner institutions to develop state-level capacity to support mass repatriation of Americans from overseas disasters and emergencies.

These capabilities incorporate leading emergency management practices such as the National Incident Management System (NIMS) as well as specific services needed for emergency repatriation of U.S. citizens. The guidelines will be accompanied by a self-assessment model tool helping states to determine their current capacity to support mass repatriation incidents with OHSEPR.

UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) | Evidence-based strategies to support market shaping for humanitarian and development supplies

In support of UNICEF Supply Division’s Market Supply and Financing Centre (MSFC) and the Monitoring, Strategic Data, Evidence Centre (MSDEC), Strategy 4ward led a mixed-methods strategic review of UNICEF’s market-shaping strategy and market communications publications. We designed and analyzed data from a survey targeting thousands of global market stakeholders representing market supply, market demand, development financing and donor organizations, and UNICEF’s partner agencies.

Our consultants led all qualitative research, including over 50 interviews with UNICEF’s market stakeholders. These stakeholders included executives from a multitude of UNICEF suppliers, from large vaccine manufacturers to producers of nutrition products in low- and middle-income countries. Strategy 4ward developed key recommendations to inform UNICEF’s market shaping strategies and modifications to key market publications. We also facilitated an evidence-use workshop with senior Supply Division leaders to identify actions for adopting the new strategies.

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